Viktor Zaretski
When there is no crystal of purity
there is no crystal of purity
any talent is doomed
The creative work of Viktor Ivanovych Zaretsk is a bright, outstanding, and rather controversial phenomenon against the background of the cultural situation of his time.
He was born in Bidnopillia, Sumy region, and later moved with his parents to Donetsk. He graduated from the Kyiv State Art Institute and began his career as a teacher. He was a member of the Union of Artists of the USSR.
1989 - the first and last lifetime personal exhibition of the artist in the exhibition hall of the House of Scientists, Kyiv.
1994 - awarded the State Prize of Ukraine named after Taras Shevchenko.
Zaretsky's work is unique in that he turned his own pain and insult to his soul, which the totalitarian state system of his native country prepared for him, into a fierce protest, expressed on canvas.

Viktor Zaretsky, 1989.